Soul Painting
Can a painting heal your soul? Of course!
Can art be "medicine" for your life?
Absolutely yes!
Can an artist see your essence of light through your eyes and transform it into a painting?
Well yes
Can a painting heal your soul?
Of course !!
Can art be medicine for your life?
Of course !!!
Can an artist see through your eyes and create your divine essence as a painting?
Yess and more please !!
If you would like a my Personalized Soul Painting , a co-creation process is born from the very first moment.
You immediately become an integral part of the work and you are totally indispensable.
At the base of the creative process there is a "one to one" work in which I come into contact with your energy, so that it can perceive, feel, see every single nuance.
I work with you on two levels:
1) to free at the "soul" and spiritual level what hinders the full realization of Your True Self in this dimension.
2) to empower, expand, nourish and ground your Luminous Essence at Multidimensional levels.
With these elements, YOUR work of art is born, which becomes a real interactive tool, to which you refer in your daily life. A Mandala of Light , a mirror that reflects your true, complete and resolved soul / essence.
The work itself also has the ability to generate harmony in the environment and emanate very high frequencies, cleaning the soul of those who enter into a relationship and the environment in which it is placed.
When I make YOUR work, I am in empty space , in that profound silence of being from which truth and pure beauty are born. It is an alchemical process in which, as if by magic, through my hands, YOUR soul is translated into colors, frequencies, vibrations and lights.
I become a tool for realizing YOUR True Essence in the Form of Art .
If you want a Tailored Soul Painting , we start a co-creation process immediately.
You are part of the work and you are totally indispensable.
At the base of the creative process there is a "one to one" session in which I come in contact with your energy, so that I can perceive, feel, see every single nuance.
I work with you on two levels:
1) to liberate on a "soul" and spiritual level what blocks the full realization of Your True Self in this dimension.
2) to strengthen, expand, nurture and ground Your Luminous Essence at Multidimensional levels.
With these elements comes YOUR work of art , which becomes a real interactive tool, to which you refer in your daily life. A Mandala of Light , a mirror that reflects your true, complete and resolved soul / essence.
The painting itself also has the power to generate harmony in the environment and to spread very high frequencies, cleaning the soul of those who relate to it and harmonizing the environment in which it is placed.
When I realize YOUR work, I am in the empty space, in that deep silence of being from which truth and pure beauty born. It is an alchemical and healing process in which, as if by magic, YOUR soul is translated into colors, frequencies, vibrations and lights through my hands.
I become a tool for the realization of YOUR True Essence in Form of Art.
Book Your Tailored Soul Painting ....
Book your Soul Painting Custom ...
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* Book yours free call with me